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July 04, 2005



near beer, near steaks, sounds just near to heaven.. glad you had a great 4th bro -shalom


Glad you ended up having a nice day. I enjoyed talking with you and seeing you on the webcam. Pretty cool how that works.
We enjoyed having Tiff but I am quite sure when you get home she would rather drive here for another visit. 8 hours in the car beats days sitting in the airport wondering if your plane will ever leave, anytime. We were lucky to have her one more night but I am sure she would have rather been home in her own bed at that point. Trooper is her new nickname after that trip.
love ya


So glad you and your guys had a good day. You're great! We appreciate you and your wonderful attitude so much. Stay safe.


Hey Richardson! Remember where we were a year ago at this time?? Seems like yesterday. I got out the CD with all the pictures yesterday and almost got tears in my eyes. Your days are ticking by over there also, it sounds like. You guys are the heroes, not us flunkies mobilized within miles of our own front door. We go where they send us. I wish I was there, however, our mission to get the troops ready to go is vitally important as well.
Take care of yourself. I am enjoying the blog. My prayers are with you and yours.

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