The 4th of July in Iraq was one that I will always remember, just one that I don't want to repeat again by being in Iraq, ha ha. It was a good day here because my guys were able to have some down time. The day started off great with a phone call to my wife who was at my sister's house in Arkansas. I got a chance to chat with my Sweetie, and each family member who was available. Its good to hear voices that you have not heard in over six months. I easily get choked up in moments like that. Funny how this place can harden you and soften you up at the same time. I have never been one of those guys who is too proud to cry, but keep it to myself and God for spiritual reasons. Basically, I cry out for His help and not try not to rely solely upon myself.
After I chatted with my family, I came back to our hooch and fell back to sleep. Wow, that was sooo nice. I still had a meeting that morning, but my supervisor here told me to skip it, and he would cover my portion. I woke back up at 10:30 and my boys were already cooking. SPCb, SGTs and SGTl had already fed the guys going on guard duty, and had more steaks, baked potatos, baked beans, and onions ready the rest of us. The steaks were not super quality steaks, but were great nonetheless. After a special marinade including near beer, they tasted quite good. The baked potatos were excellent along with the baked beans, which were made by SGTs. Its one of his specialties. Our guys take particular pride in looking after the Iraqi Army soldiers who work along with us. Each day our guys rotate who buys lunch for other guys on guard duty, and the IA solider. This day was no different in that we made a plate for the IA soldier working with us. I was told he asked what the meat was made of, and when we said beef, he was so happy. We want to make sure each IA soldier that works with us leaves with the knowledge that we US Soldiers want to see them succeed and be taken care of. When I go visit my guys working guard duty, I take them cold water and sometimes a snack. I make sure each time to take an extra bottle for the IA troop.
We all sat back and enjoyed the 'stuft' feeling, and then a RAMBO marathon was started. Needless to say, the room was packed as Sly showed how tough he was. I figured the marathon might switch to Rocky after that, but was releaved to see everyone had their stallone fill, and went their own way for the evening. Some of us played each other in Blackhawk down, and two of my guys ended up working on a vehicle that was brought to our hooch.
I ended up having my own movie marathon. I watched Sniper, Sniper 2, and Sniper 3. Tom Berenger is the main character and all I could think of was how nice it was to see trees in the movie. Its an OK series of movies, and others had plans to watch all three once I was done. Just when I thought the day was over, we heard a bang. We found ourselves outside watching flares and star clusters in the FOB. There were not that many shot off, so we were not wasteful, but at least they were simulated fireworks. Red, white, and green lights lite the sky up as a few brush fires got started when they hit the ground. Our engineers were in action soon after that with a dozer and SEE tractor. The fireworks were definitely not as good as ones at home, but my guys appreciated the effort made by some, even though many got their 'buts chewed' for it.
I want to thank all of you who support us over here. Emails, blog comments, letters, and cards were all very appreciated by us. In the end, its another day down, and one day closer to going home.
The Serenity Prayer
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time,
accepting hardship as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
and supremely happy with Him forever
in the next
Reinhold Neibuhr
near beer, near steaks, sounds just near to heaven.. glad you had a great 4th bro -shalom
Posted by: gavin | July 05, 2005 at 02:37 PM
Glad you ended up having a nice day. I enjoyed talking with you and seeing you on the webcam. Pretty cool how that works.
We enjoyed having Tiff but I am quite sure when you get home she would rather drive here for another visit. 8 hours in the car beats days sitting in the airport wondering if your plane will ever leave, anytime. We were lucky to have her one more night but I am sure she would have rather been home in her own bed at that point. Trooper is her new nickname after that trip.
love ya
Posted by: nikki | July 05, 2005 at 02:55 PM
So glad you and your guys had a good day. You're great! We appreciate you and your wonderful attitude so much. Stay safe.
Posted by: Donna | July 05, 2005 at 07:01 PM
Hey Richardson! Remember where we were a year ago at this time?? Seems like yesterday. I got out the CD with all the pictures yesterday and almost got tears in my eyes. Your days are ticking by over there also, it sounds like. You guys are the heroes, not us flunkies mobilized within miles of our own front door. We go where they send us. I wish I was there, however, our mission to get the troops ready to go is vitally important as well.
Take care of yourself. I am enjoying the blog. My prayers are with you and yours.
Posted by: Cindy | July 06, 2005 at 10:34 AM